What Motivates Me?

So I’ve written myself into depression today.

How did that happen? Easy. I tried to write about why I’m stuck creatively in some areas.

I figured out that I don’t need to explore that. I know what’s wrong! I just need to find some good motivators.

Why not write about that?

Here’s some of the things I do to get myself motivated.

To Start With:

  1. I get light into my space. If I’m writing at night, I light the place up. If I’m writing in the daytime, I throw open the blinds and let the sunshine in!
  2. Keep the browser closed! I do my level best not to hit up Facebook, Imgur, Reddit or other Time Suck sites. I wish I were better at staying away, but I’m not.

To Get Into It:

  1. Set the mood. I get my Itunes and my YouTube playlists up and running. Depending on what I’m writing, I need that mood music to fuel the scene.
  2. Research. I love to research the crap out of what I write. It’s fun! But I can overdo. So I limit myself to an hour on the computer. Then an hour in the library. Then another hour on the computer…


Yes, I said gorram. I aim to misbehave.

  1. The soothing sounds of silence. After I get pumped up, after the research, I hear the whir of my computer and the clicking of my keyboard. There’s nothing better.
  2. Tick tock, tick tock Clarice. Some writers time themselves. I’m one of ’em. Hell, I have to. I have kids and a wife that need me to pick them up. So I can’t lose track of time. Speaking of which, I’d better wrap this up.


Motivation comes in all forms. Speeches, music, pictures, quotes. Whatever.

Here are some great things I employ to light a fire under me.

ZeFrank’s Invocation for Beginners

The Great Dictator’s Final Speech

V’s Fifth of November Speech

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Complete Dream Speech

Captain Picard’s Great Speech’s 

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